She got remarried.
She what?
About a month ago.
Maybe six weeks.
To that guy-
that guy with the restaurant?
I'd like to go home now.
Miles, get out of the car.
Would you drive me
back to the motel, please?
You know-
She bringing him to the wedding?
What do you think?
Why didn't you tell me
about this before, Jack?
Because I knew you'd get so freaked out
that you wouldn't even come on this trip.
But then I thought,
this is the perfect place to tell you.
We're here to forget about all that shit.
We're here to party, man.
I'm gonna be a fucking pariah.
Persona non grata.
Everybody's gonna be holding their breath,
waiting to see if I get drunk and make a scene.
No, no. No. Look.
I talked to Victoria. Okay?
She's cool. Everybody's cool.
I'm sorry. You've been talking-
Behind my back...
you've been talking about it?
What are you doing?
Come back here.
- Come here. Give me that bottle.
- Back off, Jack.
- Come on-
- Back off, man!
- Give me that bottle.
- No.