Announcer] A lot of people
out there think they can make it.
What better thing in life is to chase the
dream and not be afraid of going after it?
James Lepp next to play.
Chance for a birdie and a five-shot lead.
I'm gonna go for a swim,
get the blood flowing. You wanna come?
No. I wanna watch this.
Should start this ball one or two inches
outside the left edge.
Go in.
- Great putt.
- Absolutely. Great speed.
Oh, Miles. Time to get up.
This fuckin' chick in the Jacuzzi-
Oh, dude!
This place is wide open.
I'm goin' fuckin' nuts up here, man.
- Hey, what should I wear?
- I don't know.
Something casual, but nice.
They think you're a writer.
Right. Okay.
Do you have any other shoes?