Silver City

- Any dirtyou can spare though.
- Come on, Mitch.

I've got... professional ethics.
Seen Nora lately?.
No. I see her byline.
I hear she's engaged
to some guy.

With the amount offederal money
coming to the state decreasing-

I'm not raising taxes.
What about the shortfall
in social programs?.

I repeat, I'm not raising taxes.
We can't just keep throwing the taxpayer's
hard-earned money at these perceived-

some ofthem, I admit, are real-
so-called social problems.

We have to get
our priorities straight.

Education is a priority.
Health care is a priority.

Our economy is a priority.
The environmental-
The whole environmental,
uh, arena-

that's a priority, big priority.
Building new roads
and maintaining the present-

keeping the infrastructure in place,
where it belongs- that's a priority.

What isn't a priority, sir?.
- What's not a priority?.
- Yeah.

Is those matters
which are less of a-

not that they're not
important, but-

Ifyou're gonna have
a front burner...

which is whereyou want
your priorities-

It's like cooking. There needs to be
something sitting on the back one.

That's whereyour
other organizations-

your church people
and your organizations...

formed to help these things...
will be happy to pitch in if only
government would get out oftheirway.
