Silver City

You're the oneworking
forthe Pilagers.

I'm not here officially.
I'm supposed to keepyou
in the loop on this.

Danny O'Brien.
You used towrite
for the Mountain Monitor.

When it existed, yeah.
- And you are?.
- Timberline County SheriffJoe Skaggs.

I used to know a Jerry Skaggs.
- My brother.
- How's he doing?.

He died a year ago
of colon cancer.

- I'm sorry to hear that.
- No, you're not.

This should be totally routine...
so don't go making it complicated.
I wouldn't think ofit.
You know who he is?.

CBI has nothing on his fingerprints.
The falls we get...
it's usually one of our many
climbing enthusiasts up from Boulder.

Theywander offthe trail
to admire theview, you know.

Haveyou checked
the stomach for granola?.

He's got that...
look to him.

We find a lot ofthose boys
out in the bush.

We never do get an I D.
Ifyou do stumble on anything
that pertains to this case...

what's the first call
you're gonna make?.

Timberline Sheriffs Department.
Ifanything goes public
before I know about it...

I'm coming afteryour ass.
Seeyou, Henry.
I don't think he likes you.
Russell, I can senseyourfrustration.
But what'syourpoint?

Okay, we go run their dictators
out ofthe country...

and suddenly it's our responsibility
to pay for reconstruction?

Ifl have Terminix come over
to get rid ofsome vermin...

they hand me the bill,
not the other way around.

I'm with you
a hundred percent, my friend.

It's the price ofdemocracy, and it's
only fair they're the ones to pay it.
