Silver City

Oh,Jesus Christ!
He may be in there too.
We're talking about murder.
The murder ofinnocents.
There's a limit towhat
I can do on this, Billy.

It's the kind ofissue that attracts
a lot ofpeople to the polls...

whowouldn't ordinarilyvote.
Ifyou were to take
leadership on the issue...

throw the full force of
your office behind it-

Ifyou can get it on a referendum.
I honestly don't think
it would pass...

not in the secular climate
we live in.

But when Moses found
the children oflsrael...

prostrate before the golden calf,
did he call for a referendum?.

No, he did not.
Excuse me, Reverend Tubbs.
- We need him.
- We're discussing the children oflsrael.

We must obey
the 11 th Commandment:

"Thou shalt not keep
the press waiting"

With a planned community,
you knowwhatyou're getting.

People own their houses,
they own shares in the amenities...

but the corporation
calls the shots.

This whole section here
will be assisted living.

The lake is a nice attraction.
The lake is the key.
Halfthese people,
they don't fish, they don't boat...

they can't climb a flight ofstairs,
much less a mountain...

but knowing it's there
just around the bend-

- Live in the Rockies.
- We're selling a dream.

Now, of course,
a few regulations need to be-

The Development Association
would be happy-

Which I pay into.
The association has to concentrate
on some general legislation right now.

Any individual cases would be-
- You talk to Chuck Raven.
- On a daily basis, yeah.

After all, he's the brains
behind our future governor.

You need examples,
specific instances...

foryour general
legislation, right?.

Silver Citywould be
a perfect model.

That wouldn't be fair to
the other members ofthe association.

Showing favoritism would
compromise my position.
