The question
you have to askyourselfis...
doyou wantyour county to be
thought ofas one big Superfund site?.
We've got Carbonville.
Or one big migrant labor camp?.
No offense intended.
Or doyou want Silver City...
emerging like a shining phoenix
from the ashes?.
The land.
Bentel Corporation
had no further use for it.
And, of course, it's been classified
as a degraded habitat.
Meaning the environmental folks
won't be breathing down our necks...
once we get
this project rolling.
But the soil is still full of
heavy metals. Ifyou dig a well-
We're not digging anywells.
We've got some folks downstate...
I'm pretty surewill be happy
to sell us theirwater rights.
Whywould they do that?.
Let's sayyou growyour crop
out on an arid plain.
Gotta irrigate the hell
out ofthe land.
Gotta rely on federal price supports.
Now, you pull that price support
out ofthe equation...
well, there's a bunch offarmers who'd
be thrilled to cash in their chips...
for a healthy,
onetime water settlement.
- How doyou know that's gonna happen?.
- The price support is a line item...
pushed into the federal budget
everyyear by our senator,Jud Pilager.
He told you that-
Chuck. Hot on the campaign trail.
- How's it going?.
- Good, good.
- You know our man here?.
- Governor.
Don't jump the gun.
You're 15 up in the polls.
Hey, I'd like to introduceyou...
to some ofyour supporters
out in the trenches.
This is the Timberline
County Commission.
Please, don't stand up.
This is Phil, Ellie,
Freddy Mondragón.
It's such a pleasure.
Hey, where's your electric train?.
This is Silver City.
I owned a patch ofland
out where that used to be.
Pretty near lost my sh-