He was the love of my life.
It rains like the dickens
in these mountains...
butyou won't see any streams
running down them.
So where does the water go?.
Whatyou're looking at
is honeycombed with hundreds...
maybe thousands of mine shafts.
When you stop
pumping the water out...
over time those holes
fill up top to bottom...
till there's nowhere else
for it to go.
A huge pressure builds up
looking for an outlet.
In 1943...
four miners broke a pick hole...
in a wall to an adjacent area...
that hadn't been worked
in 20 years.
Water exploded
out ofthat wall...
drove those four fellas
and their equipment...
back through the shaft they'd dug,
out into the main tunnel...
that Newhouse had built
to service the mine...
blasted through an opening...
and blew the water clear across
the river to the other side.
For three days, water blasted out
ofthat mountain-
timber, tracks, loose rocks,
half-ton ore cars...
flying through the air
like theywere toys.
You know, we think
we can wound this planet.
We thinkwe can cut costs
and stick the money in our pockets...
and just walk awaywith it.
But someday the bill comes due.
This oreyou're looking at...
assays out at about
an ounce and a halfa ton...
which can be
worth yourwhile...
depending on how much it costs you
to get it out ofthe ground.