Silver City

not by a long sight.
They get distracted worrying about
some postcard idea ofthe Rockies...

some black-footed ferret
or endangered tumbleweed.

But if a man ofvision
were to come along-

I can see it.
How's that saddle feeling?.
It's coming along.
We'll make a cowboy
out ofyou yet.

We'ddoneso well with that one...
I took on the second biggest
hazard in the state-

the Silver City
mining operation.

Owned by Dickie Pilager.
He owned the land, but Benteen was
leasing the mineral rights.

They go hand in glove,
you know-

the Benteens
and the Pilagers.

- Theywere still digging.
- They had acres and acres oftailings...

piled up from
the Silver City glory days.

Looked like a pile oftrash rock...
but ifyou could process it
on a large enough scale-

I'm talking about bulldozers
the size ofbattleships-

you could make a fortune.
Providing jobs for
the economically depressed.

A few, sure.
But then we started getting
nasty pH readings...

from the watershed
all around them.

Started getting
fish die-off...

heavy metal residue.
The company said it was from the old mine
shafts in these mountains around them.

There was nothing
they could do about it.

Not true?.
Theywere concentrating the gold
in these huge leach piles...

and then dumping
cyanide solution on them.

- They used cyanide?.
- Sodium cyanide.

It's a lixiviate.
Basic chemistry.
Smells like apricots
for miles around.

I had an informant inside.
