Fora dayis coming, myfriends...
a great dayanda terrible day...
a day when the skies shall open
and the waters shall part...
and the dead shall rise up
and walk upon the Earth.
And the wicked and the righteous
shall be judged alike.
But that day cannot come...
unless the children oflsrael
are within the holy land...
for so it has been prophesied
in the great Book ofRevelations.
So let us look at
a map ofthe Middle East.
Let us look at
the headlines oftoday...
and see what conclusions
we can draw from the evidence.
Many are the portents
and the signs.
But we need
to discern a pattern.
We need to connect
one event with the other...
and it will be clear
that there are no accidents...
that there is
a greater force at work...
and it holds the plan
for Armageddon.
Richard Pilager cares
about the American worker.
You work with the same bunch
al I the ti me?.
Yeah, more or less. As far as I know,
they're all citizens.
I wasn't asking that.
Mojados are a bit cheaper,
but they're not worth the hassle.
Need some hard huevos
to keep 'em in line.
Not that I got
anything against 'em.
I wouldn't go that far.
Butyou should check into
the packing houses across town.
They got a lot of'em
in there making chorizo.
Any ofyour own guys been missing
the last few days?.
You're looking for
this Lázaro, right?.
Cops were here this morning
asking the same thing.
- I'm not a cop.
- No shit.