You're, like, really accurate
with that, right?.
It depends on
how much dope I've smoked.
- How much haveyou smoked?.
- I've lost track.
There was an incident
on the campaign trail...
that was potentially embarrassing
toyour brother.
What, he made a speech
without a teleprompter?.
There was a dead body involved.
Anyone I know?.
Lázaro Huerta?.
Can't place him.
Maybe just another skeleton
out of Daddy's closet.
You sure you don't want a hit?.
- You look a little tense.
- No. It makes me paranoid.
Like someone's gotyou
in their crosshairs?.
Yeah. Something like that.
How about a drink then?.
A bottle oftequila byyour left leg.
You're not gonna, like, shoot it
out of my hand or anything?.
Soyou're some kind of
a campaign lackey?.
- Investigator.
- Am I being investigated?.
Mr. Raven thinks you may be
harboring a grudge.
Mywhole life is a fucking grudge.
You go to some kind
of school for that?.
No, I was working as a reporter.
- I hate reporters.
- Well, I'm not one anymore.
Fifteen years old, I'm pregnant...
the fucking Mountain Monitor
outs me.
"Senator's Daughter
In College Sex Scandal"
It was before my time.
The whole thing was set up.
Fly to Nevada, nice, quiet operation,
back to school within a week.
- You could still have had a-
- Public abortion?.
With the Christian crusaders
block-voting for my father?.
So he advised you not to.
- I was a hopeful.
- A hopeful?.