Excuse me.
And who wants to know?.
You gotta be him.
Howyou figure on that?.
It's the shoes, ese. Braceros don't be
wearing their party boots on the job.
Vince Esparza.
Man, you a legend.
People sayyou got crews
working all over the county.
People say a lot of shit
that isn't necessarily true.
I'm looking for a guy
named Lázaro Huerta.
I don't keep track
oftheir names.
I'm not runnin'
a summer camp here.
Would you mind ifl was to askyour
jornaleros a few questions?.
Yeah, I would mind.
They're here to work.
Theywanna blow their nose, scratch their
balls, talk about their girlfriends...
they can do it
on their own time.
This is a job here.
This is private property.
And ifsomeone who is not authorized
to be here was to get hurt...
it'd be my responsibility.
They're hiding something.
My first husband
was a downhill racer.
Won the bronze at Innsbruck.
He ditched me in, what, '85.
My girlfriend just moved out.
You poor baby.
Took my couch.
You can have this one
ifyou want.
She picked it out.
It was both of ours.
She paid for half ofit.