Silver City

The slaughterhouse.
- BENagra.
- The BENagra slaughterhouse.

Lázaro was a newly arrived.
He was a very shy person.
Very afraid of everything in the north.
But especially afraid ofthe boss.
- And the jefe was?.
- Vicente Esparza.

Vincent Esparza carries a gun?.
We were the cleaning crew.
when theystop the line...

they come in to clean the metal with
scalding hot water mixed with clorina.

There is always so much noise...
andyou can't see from the steam.
They have told Don Vicente
that thejob up above...

cleaning the machine that takes
the skin offthe cows is not safe...

that there has to be more scaffolding
or something to hold onto.

But he says that only little babies
are crying for their mamas...

and he sends whoever
he doesn't like to do it.

This day he sends Lázaro Huerta.
They told Lázaro he shouldn't
shoot the steam full pressure...

when he's turning it on.
There was nobody else i n
that part of the factory...

but these two men
and Vicente, their boss.

He asked them to put the body
in a garbage barrel...

and to clean his blood
with the blood ofthe animals.
