This is sounding crazy, isn't it?.
Throw a dead body into a cave...
and three days later it comes back out
into the world all on its own?.
Sure, a lot of people'll buy that.
It's the water pressure.
The names ofthese two Mexicans
you sayyou talked to-
Come on!
You had Immigration follow us
and pick them up.
- Did I?.
- Halfthis town is illegal.
Immigration is gonna botherto
drive into the middle ofnowhere...
and just run into mywitnesses?.
Mr. Quiñones and Mr. López
have been debriefed by the I NS.
According to them, theywere working
at BENagra Packing...
along with a certain Lázaro Huerta,
also an undocumented alien...
until one day he chose...
not to show up forwork.
That's the last they saw ofhim.
- Of course they're gonna say that.
- They're back on a plane in 24 hours...
courtesy of
the United States government.
Unless, of course...
you choose to include that
crock of shit thatyou just told me...
in your official statement...
in which case, they'd be accessories
to wrongful death, at least.
Possibly murder.
They'd be fucked.
Bienjodido is the phrase,
I believe, yeah.
The slaughterhouse operates
within guidelines set by the law.
All we've got is a failure
to report an accident...
and illegal burial...
which begins and ends
with Vince Esparza.