Go ten steps back
and speak loud so! can hear you.
Alberto,! told you! won't do
anything to you.
Get away or! won't come out.
!'m getting away.
Six... Seven...
!'m far away.
Are you calm, now?.
Tell me just one thing,
you chicken shit!
Who are you taking with you
to Brazil?.
!t's just me.
!'m going alone.
Oh, really?.! So why did you
buy two plane tickets?.
Where did you get that silly idea?.
! just bought a single ticket.
Damn liar!
You're dead meat!
Get out of there!
You have brain damage, Chico!
Guess what! have here?.
Delusional paranoia.
That's what you have!
! have here a receipt with your name
for two plane tickets to Brazil.
What do you have to say
about this, huh?.!
- Where did you get that?.
-!n your desk drawer.
Now you're really getting on
my nerves.
How dare you go through my drawers?.!
Does this mean you're not telling me
who are you taking with you to Brazil?.
Why don't you go to the airport
tomorrow for the goodbye
and see for yourself?.
-! can't wait until tomorrow.
This has to be solved here and now.
!'m giving you one last chance.
Who are you taking with you?.
Screw you, Chico!
Fine! Have it your way!