This is not happening.
A shot in the head?. How come?.
What's with the mopey face?.
- Jacinto, here. What is it?.
- We have an emergency call.
It's the same guy
from this morning.
He asked to speak with you, only.
I'm putting him through.
Hello, hello? It's me again.
What's the matter now?.
! want to report a murder.
Please, this time it's for real!
Okay. We are on our way.
What's wrong?.
!t's Chico partner again.
He must be joking with me.
You came out of the hospital
with such a serious face.
-!s Suzana all right?.
- Yes.
- Did she give birth already?.
- Yes.
- You saw the baby?.
- No.
What if the child is really yours?.
- Don't worry.!t's not.
- How can you be so sure?.
You mean, she's been lying
to you, all this time?.
! always told you
she wasn't trustworthy.
! suppose you ere right.
Look on the bright side.
This way you got rid of the hot potato.
!magine if your wife found out.