- Who'd you come here with?
- Don't worry about that.
- Please, Captain, I just--
- Hey, nigga!
What part of "you ain't flyin'
this motherfuckin' plane"
don't you understand?
Sit back and enjoy the ride,
Idi Amin.
What are you doing?
You fool!
Any motherfuckin' dry ass
mushrooms of yours
ain't gettin' me high
no motherfuckin' way.
You need to fuck with the white boys.
They shit potent.
White boys, American shit.
This is African mushrooms,
very dangerous.
They can kill you!
You ate 15 of them!
These are topical, for the skin.
I crush them up,
and I put them...
... for my itching.
Motherfucker, you got crabs?!
This man got crabs. You ain't
sittin' in the pilot's seat for sure.
Ha ha, keep laughing.
It's not funny.
African crab is very aggressive.
They hunt us.
They can kill you.
That motherfucker
is crazy as fuck, man.
They dangerous,
and they kill you.
That Gaeman!
Excuse me.
did you just touch me?
Yeah, I wanna get up
in the club.
- You on the list?
- What list?
The goddamn guest list.
- Are you on it?
- I don't know.
You don't know?
What's your name?
Elvis Hunkee.
I wouldn't even have wrote
no shit down like that, homey.
Maybe it's under The King,
'cause my friends,
they call me "The King".
It's my nickname.
I ain't your friend,
and you ain't no king, motherfucker.
Move! I'm talkin' to you.
What's up? Go right in.