Yeah, hi. We're here for
the interview with Mrs. Clasky?
Oh, great. You made it.
Come on in. The front door's open
and we're out back. Okay?
And call me Deborah.
Holding out had helped though.
She was no longer intimidated.
Working for Anglos
now posed no problems.
It would just be a job.
White America beckoned.
She stepped across the cultural divide.
Gee whiz in heaven, are you okay?
No. Don't worry, I'm not mad.
I've been looking for decoration to put up
on the glass so people wouldn't walk into it.
Instead of taking what was in stock,
which was awful, I special ordered...
but I'll design something myself,
which I should've done...
What does that matter
when your nose is bleeding?
- Shut up, Deborah.
- Now you got it, Mom.
- There's no ice pack, Bern!
- So get anything frozen.
Pressure! Just pressure!
Take this.
Is it strange that I just gave you money?
I just felt really badly.
It's okay.
Chum, knock it off!
I'm sorry about the way the place looks.
I'm hosting a fundraiser
for the school tonight.
It's just a mess. Come sit right here.
Here you go.