
I'm sorry.
Not a problem.
You're the new helper, Alex, right?

Okay, welcome. First day.
John, I have something very important
to tell you.

- Damn.
- What?

Victor recognized a food critic
over the phone.

- From?
- The Times.

I'll bet they sent her
across the country just for us.

- Lf you're nervous, take a walk.
- I don't need a walk.

I'll walk with you. I know a breathing thing.
What do you think I'm worried about?
How I'm gonna cook?

That's not the thing. That's not the problem.
I worked at a restaurant in New York
that had four stars.

It was like a line formed
to become an asshole.

People's accents changed.
The heart went out of the place.
You understand?

- No.
- I agree with everything you just said.

I admire you for your feelings.
I hope to adopt them as my own.

Here we are, ladies.
I don't know what to root for.
The thought of one star gets me nauseous...
but with four, there's no place to go but,
"My God, they took away one of my stars!"

- The Times liked the first course.
- You know what you want?

Three and a quarter stars.
Yes, that would be perfect.

It'd mean you're good,
but not good enough to feel disappointed...

you just missed out on excellence.
You still get enough respect.
Good people wanna work with you.

Business is good, not crazy.
You're right below the radar,
where you get to mind your own business.

That's a good, solid life.
Big wipe.
