Insensitive? Elitist?
Narcissistic? Irresponsible? Perverse?
Dizzy? What?
When is anyone in this damn house...
in this damn life
gonna consider my feelings?
I tried to make a lovely kid feel welcome.
There is no reason to rake this over.
I let it go and gave Flor the room to let it go,
which I'm sure she has.
It's over, so just get on board, pal.
I slept.
Well, I'm broke.
No, please. Don't worry about it.
You really don't have to pay me.
- Please, don't worry about it.
- I'm just kidding.
- When you count it up, give me a holler.
- I did count.
Many times. I didn't sleep. I counted.
All right, what do I owe you? Give it to me.
- Really?
- Yes.
- I'm really sorry.
- No.
All right. I don't know.
How about
we figure this out tomorrow, okay?
You even told me, you said that $5...
I know, I promised.
It's all coming back to me now.
Let me just go deal with this.