
Who is "they"?
They took her?
Where did they take her?
Honey, you got all the slack
in the world until I leave this room.

And then I'm going to zero you out.
Two men.
They gave her a shot.
I think that was her.
- Where is she?
- I'm entitled to my rights.

- I'm entitled to my phone call.
- You don't understand.

You'll leave your life, or you'll
leave the information in this room.

Where is the girl?
They'll kill me.
Who did you call?
How did you know
to come pick her up?

How did they know to get her?
Who did you call?

It's just a number...
write it down.
Write it down. I'm gonna see what I can do.
Just give me the number.

I don't understand.
She's just some girl.

Oh, my God.
They don't know who they've got.
Where's the girl?
Sir, we believe she was
abducted from this club.

That she was taken to...
That she was taken to a bordello.
- Here in Boston?
- Yes, sir, and that... That...

- Let's hear it.
- She may have been delivered for sale.

May have been sent down
the pipeline, overseas.

- To get to her father?
- No, sir.

We believe they don't
know who she is...

...that they just took some girl.
- Just some girl.
- Yes, sir.

How certain are you she was
the girl in the whorehouse?

- We...
- she dyed her hair.

They see that red hair...
what do they do, her hair grows out,
when they see that red hair...

...somebody recognizes her?
What do they do when
they realize who they took?
