You got to set your motherfucker
to receive.
Listen to me.
They don't go through the door,
we don't ask why.
That's not a cost, it's benefit.
Because we get to travel light.
They tell me where to go.
- Tell me what to do when I get there.
- What about...?
You wanted to go
through the looking glass.
How was it?
Was it more fun than miniature golf?
- Who frisked the son of a bitch?
- What son of a bitch?
The secret service agent, shot himself?
Screwing his girlfriend.
Killed himself in shame.
- Shot himself with a hideout pistol?
- Yeah.
Who frisked the son of a bitch?
You'll have to go half-speed, baby,
because I don't follow you.
- Is there an operation in Dubai, sir?
- Pal...
...the girl fell off a boat. She's dead.
I'm on leave.
I don't know nothing about Dubai.
I don't know what the hell
you want with me.
There's a Army depending on us
for the truth.
You can lie to anyone else.
Never lie to a Ranger.
Okay, so that's you calling me a liar.
Sir, I saw the sign!
- What sign is that?
- At the beach house. She was there.
She wasn't there. She died on a boat.
I saw the sign.
You saw the sign?
You were up for a week.
You don't know what you saw
your first time out.
Sir, I know what I saw.
You didn't see no sign because she
wasn't there. The hardest thing?
You know what it is?
It isn't going in the door, it's coming out.
You ever come down off of drugs?
The most powerful drug
in the world is adrenaline.
- I told you everything I know. Stand down.
- Look in the bag.
- Stand down!
- Sir, under my mat!
This got caught in my mat
at the beach house.
Would you tell me what that is?