
[ Man ] YoU can`t avoid riot dUty,
Stander. No one likes it.

Some of them do.
Let them do it.
You`ve discussed this with your father?
He has nothing to do with this.
Yes. Riot sqUad is an important part
of yoUr dUty, like it or not.

And asking to be relieved from it--
YoU`re making a good name for yoUrself.
YoU`re the yoUngest captain in the force.
You know what this
will mean to your career.

I realize what this will mean to me, sir.
.[ Man Singing, Faint::PUnk ]
[ Headphones: Singing Continues ]
[ Sighs ]
For God`s sake.

[ Loud ]
To you

- .[ Stops ]
- Sorry. Didn`t mean to wake you.

Don`t you do this to me.
Don`t you dare shut me out. It`s me.

[ Panting ]
I wasn`t defending myself.
I wasn`t defending my family.

The only thing I maybe
might have been defending...
