Could you please just turn around and
put your hands behind your back, please?
[ HandcUffs Locking ]
[ Man On TV] The state ofbank robberies
plagUing theJohannesbUrg area...
coUld finally come to an end
with a sUrprising arrest.
The sUspect in the so-called ""White Collar
Robber Case`"has been captUred.
In a startling tUrn of events...
an arrest was made of none other than
JohannesbUrg police Captain Andre Stander.
The extent of the captain`s alleged
involvement in the robberies on the Reef...
is not determined at this time,
thoUgh 28 charges are pending.
Among them are several coUnts of
robbery, attempted mUrder, fraUd...
illegal possession of firearms,
forgery and pottering.
More news after this.
I have three sons
who do motorcycle riding.
Their clothes are just caked in mud.
[ Man ]
Does the defense have witnesses?
[ Man #2 ]
Uh, none.
Then do yoU have a statement,
Captain Stander...
before I consider judgment?
I`m tried for robbing banks.
- But I have killed unarmed people.
- [ Murmuring ]
That is not the business
of this court.
Do you have anything more to say?
""The coUrt only
attaches importance...
""to the accUsed`s reckless
endangerment of innocent people...
""that he had sworn
to his country to protect.
""No accoUnt is taken ofhis prior
record and commendations.
The court sentences former Captain
Andre Stander to 3 2 years imprisonment.``
[ Spectators MUrmUring ]