Dirty fucking Harry.
He won`t last long.
Really? Who`s got the balls?
You, Lee?
[ Door Closing ]
[ Lock Locking ]
[ Lee ] Hey!! That psycho kidnapper
will be oUt before yoU.
How does that make yoU feel, sUpercop?
Lee McCall.
I Used to hit banks...
back home in Australia.
[ Man #2 ]
YoU`re not AUstralian,yoU bastard.
Sing the national anthem, then.
[ Lee ]
. Wallaby and Kangaroo
. Will ever rUnnin`
be free and... trUe--
- I`m fUckin`no AUstralian--
- Lee McCall.
You`ve been inside
1 1 of the last 1 2 years.
Bad checks, stolen cars, credit cards.