Oh, Bekkie.
There are parts of Andre
I`m afraid we`ll never know.
You didn`t marry him twice.
[ Stander`s Voice ]
My friend, Cor.
After two years in here,
I am an honest man.
I no longer worry
that I`m living a lie.
I have more respect for the sorted
criminals I find myself amongst...
than I did for the cops
I Used to know.
ThUgs, bUllies, cUt-Up bUggers...
smoking stolen cigars
at my very own wedding.
Robbed goods paid oUt in the name
of so-called protection.
I`d rather rob a bank than accept
a gift that was given oUt of fear.
Oh, not for me.
I`ve got a half shoulder.
- Parachuting accident.
- Right.
How do you spell parachute? Eh?
I don`t know.
[ Man ShoUting ]
[ Stander ]
Hey, asslicker!!
I`m on to you.