Do you usually have pancakes
on Thursdays?
May I sit here?
Yes, of course.
-So you've been living in Mexico?
-Yes, that's right.
-How long were you there?
-Three years.
Father is a diplomat so
we move around quite a bit.
How exciting.
I like Mexican food.
You know, those rolls, filled
with meat.
My parents didn't believe it
when I was accepted here.
It seems I'm the only one here
who is from the suburbs.
I come from a suburb.
One that hasn't got a tube?
Sort of. Maths is your main subject?
I'm very good at it. But if you
think it's boring then...
-I can be very good at other things.
-No maths is great.
Then you have those hard
chips made from corn.
Or perhaps I mean those rolls,
rolled around...some filling.
-That's it! I love them.
I prefer Japanese food. We used to
live in Tokyo before Mexico.
Hey, you're Pedro, right?
We're going to see the housemaster
after lunch. Tell your friend.