Perhaps not.
Some pupils feel they were singled out
as the guilty ones, totally unfounded.
We can mention names, if you like.
Mans Weine, for instance.
ln that case l'd also like
to mention a name, Rebecka.
She wasn't well before she came here,
but she didn't get better here.
All I did was talk to some of
the pupils about Rebecka. That's all.
And I really think the party ought
to be moved to another day.
Every school has its traditions.
This is one I want to uphold.
This is also the jubilee centenary year.
Three pupils were murdered a hundred
years ago. We must celebrate that.
This is your third term here.
-Do you like it here at Hellestad?
-Yes, thank you, quite well.
I hear the pupils like you very
much, Thomas, and I value that.
I hope you know I'm working hard
to find you proper lodgings.
You can't stay forever
in the student dormitories.
-I'm not complaining.
-That's what I appreciate about you.
That's all for now.
l've got quite a lot to finish
before the weekend.
So I told her ''if you have to go
then go''...
-What was she staring at?
-Can you lend me a fiver?
-Beat it.
Therese, can you lend me a fiver?
Listen old boy, got any dough?
A fiver I could borrow?
Hell. Miserly bastards.
Markus, you got a fiver to lend me?
-I can't stay this weekend.
-What? It's the jubilee. It's obligatory
I know, but I have to go. It's my
grand-father's funeral.
Oh no! lmpossible.
Change the date for the funeral.
-But I can't change the date!
-Says who? Your grandpa?