
Come in.
The others have gone to town.
Therese thought you might be lonely.

Therese is okay,
but she talks too much.

What are you doing?
Come in and close the door.
Old hag!
As if I didn't have other
things to do.

Let there be light!
According to the police report,
Erik Skarp raped his own daughter,-

-then strangled her, went to Hellestad
and hacked down three of the pupils.

The papers wrote about
what happened to the boys,-

-but nothing about the daughter.
Listen: ''l saw three pupils from
Hellestad. Nothing unusual in that.

They took walks in the area. That
day Father and I worked on the farm.

When Elvira didn't come in for
supper we went to look for her.

Down by the lake we made a horrible
discovery. Elvira was lying dead...

We found a pocket watch beside
the body, with an engraved inscription.

I told my father what l'd seen
earlier in the day.

Without a word he left the place.
I never saw him again.

When I handed in the watch
to the police-

-they said l'd stolen it at the school.
And that they'd
turn a blind eye to it this time.''

I don't quite get all this.
Three pupils killed that girl, that's
why her father came here, for revenge.
