''Hellestad's Boarding school,
September 2 7, 2004.
Dear dad. We must meet. I can't
go on any longer without you.
I know you can get away from there,
if you really want to.
Do so, for my sake. Not far from
the school is an old deserted barn.
Meet me there. Rebecka.''
It's her, isn't it?
The eyes are the same.
How could she have written a letter
a week ago if she died last year?
It could be another Rebecka.
lt could be anyone.
She went on a trip, the first year.
Therese got lots of postcards.
Here! Here is one from London!
It's the same signature.
-Someone's playing a practical joke.
-On who? On me?
I don't know. Were you and Rebecka
good friends?
She didn't have any friends. We
talked, of course, you know but...
She liked Therese. She really did.
Therese was nice to her.
You couldn't get to know Rebecka.
She just sat here every day and...
...read and wrote letters. She must
have written hundreds of letters.
-Who did she write to?
-Don't know.
She didn't even tell Therese
although they shared a room.
Mans and the others treated her
awfully from the very start.
No one cared, everyone thought she
was odd. So she jumped off the roof.
And everything went on as if
nothing had happened.
The headmistress was more concerned
about the school's reputation.
As I told you, Markus apparently
left the school Wednesday evening.
It is odd, I agree, but our
responsibility ends at the gates...