Strange Bedfellows

Won't even have that
if I get socked
with this tax bill.

I'm not kidding, mate.
Things keep going like this,
I won't see the year out.

Join the club.
You're doing okay.
Oh, I got plenty
to work on.

But, you know.
Mate, you got to start
charging the going rate.

Stop letting people
put it on the slate.

We're not the only ones
doing it tough, you know.

How's it going?
Oh, she's done, mate.
The carbie was running
a bit lean.

What do I owe you?
Oh, don't worry about it;
it only took five mnutes.

Get off me!
Get off me!
Can't you two keep
your hands off each other?

Pair of pansies.
I'll drop you around
some tomatoes later.

Yeah, mate.
T omatoes.
Can I have
your attention, please?

Mr. Coulston.
Mr. Quirk.

Ladies and gentlemen,
distinguished guests,

Father Delaney,
Counselor Rogers.

Feel free to get
on with it, love.

As you are all well-aware,
the Firemen's Ball

and the St. Patrick's
Women's Auxiliary Ball

are usually held
at different times.

There's a reason for that.

But this year,

we've decided
to combine the two.

They felt the firies

were having too much fun.

Father Delaney
and his Ladies' Commttee

will be in charge
of organizing the catering.

Does it involve loaves
and fishes, Father?

Mr. Williams.
In the unlikely event
that you actually have
something worthwhile to add,

would you please
raise your hand

and not just interject?
Mr. Coulston.
Yourself and the fire brigade
will be responsible
for ticket production
and sales.

Sorry, Faith.
I think Ralph has
something to add.



You weren't up
to your usual form, mate.

Now, is everyone clear

as to who's doing what?
Well, we certainly know
who's doing all the talking.
