I have got it.
Got what?
The answer.
What's the question?
You know, me tax problem.
Look at this.
The government's
just passed this bill.
You know I don't vote.
Yeah, but you do know
there's an election
this year, right?
Yeah, I know.
I just don't care.
Yeah, well, it says here
this one's going to be
a real neck-and-neck race.
Yeah, why would you vote?
A politician
might get in.
Can you just listen?
They reckon it'll be so close,
it'll come down
to who can win
a majority of the gay vote.
Yeah, shirt lifters,
them that bat
for the other team,
Geez, eh?
I wouldn't have thought
there were that many of them.
Apparently enough
to swing the vote.
That's why both sides
are sucking up to them.
It's all about giving them
the same rights
as regular married couples.
So what's that got
to do with us?
Well, the opposition...
[horn honks]
Hey, Billy!
Well, the opposition
has promsed
to change the tax laws
if they get elected, right?
So the government's just
beat 'em to the punch.
Not only did they pass
the law;
they've made it
Will you run that
by me again in English?
Well, it just means
that gay couples
can get all the rebates
of regular couples,
and they can claim them
for up to five years back.
If I can go back
to an earlier question,
what's it got to do
with us?
Mate, if I can get
those same tax breaks
for the last five years,
I could write off so much tax,
I'd be laughing.
Hey, you could even
claim me as a dependent.
We'd both come out in front.
But how can we do that?
Well, it's simple.
We just become gay.
No, no, no, no.
How many times
do I have to tell you?
We just say we are.
There's no physical.
Hey, Harry.
What's wrong
with you, Ralph?
I mean, this is
our big chance
to really turn things
around for us.
We could split our incomes,
claim spouse benefits.