Good-bye, love.
I'll just tell the girls.
Hey, Ralph?
What size bed do you have?
Just a single.
I tossed
the old double out.
It was buggered.
Well, where am I going
to sleep?
Well, certainly not at my place.
Yeah, but what if
the inspector guy
checks out your bedroom?
Well, he won't find you.
That's okay.
I got an old double bed
under the theater.
We'll drop it off at your place
just so it looks right.
Nice day for it.
Just remember, boys,
God created Adam and Eve,
not Adam and Steve.
Oh, shit, here we go.
Follow him, Ralph.
Now, where the bloody hell
is he going out here?
What do you reckon
Father Xavier was on about?
Probably one of them beats,
you know?
It's a special sacred
meeting place
that only they know about.
Maybe he's been
into the altar wine.
There's probably more of them
around here than we think.
You know, it takes
more than one to tango.
Hang on.
Where's he gone?
There he is.