the Crawford girl.
I've gone all hot.
All right, I admt it.
I'm straight.
But look, we can keep this
to ourselves, can't we?
I'm just curious:
Why have
everyone in town think
you're a pillow biter?
I'm a hairdresser,
for fuck's sake.
It's what they expect.
it makes them feel comfortable
to think I'm one of the girls.
Plus no one suspects
you're tomcatting
half the wives and daughters
around the district.
Yeah, well.
Look, any chance
I can buy these photos?
we would be willing
to trade them.
Trade them?
For what?
First, you have to learn
to think gay.
So from now one,
it's not "me" or "I."
No, no, no.
You refer to yourselves
as "she" and "her."
Got it?
Secondly, it's all
a matter of learning
some body language
and some gestures.
First and most importantly,
the walk.
Now, hold your hand out
as if you're being led
onto the dance floor
by Prince Charmng.
Prince Charmng.
Listen to me, please.
Head up, bum out.
Think Marilyn Monroe...
crossed with a bit of penguin.
And left shoulder,
right shoulder,
left shoulder,
right shoulder,
left shoulder, pivot.
And I hope you were watching,
because now it's your turn.
Can you imagine
how people around here
would react
if they thought we were
a couple a whoopsies?
"Same-sex couple," Ralph.
We should show
a bit of respect.
I mean, if it hadn't been
for the good ol' poofters,
we wouldn't be getting
this opportunity.