screwdriver in his hand
and deep in the bowels
of a truck engine.
And he looked up,
and our eyes met,
and in think in that instant,
we both knew.
So was there a period
of courtship?
Oh, I'll give you
courtship, Russell.
He pursued me relentlessly.
Didn't you, Ralphie?
Well, I wouldn't say that.
No, no, look at him.
He gets embarrassed
talking about it.
You see,
we were both locals,
and growing up, Ralph was
this peculiar young man.
Always alone, mysterious.
And you, I mean-
Let me finish, doll.
But once he decided
that I was what he wanted,
well, then he showered me
with gifts.
He sent me flowers
and roses.
I sent him a wrench.
Well, before you knew it...
It wasn't that quick.
And, of course,
there was the poetry.
Oh, yeah.
Beneath this shy exterior,
Iittle Ralphie here
is quite the romantic.
Aren't you, sweetie?
You have any copies
of these poems?
For my files, you understand.
Oh, you know,
no idea where they got to.
Uh, but I can still remember
the first one.
Oh, yes.
It went...
something like this.
'Vince, Vince,
"you are my prince.
"You came into my life,
"and you haven't left since.