People like what?
Dad, I want you
to meet Peta.
It's nice
to meet you.
Ralph, we got to talk.
Hi, Carla.
Wait; I'll be back.
So where's the boyfriend?
This better be important.
Oh, it is.
It's important.
Faith knows.
The whole bloody town knows.
No, no, no,
she knows everything.
I don't know how she does,
but she does.
I've got to talk to Carla.
No, mate,
we can get through this.
Vince, we're fucked.
Now, look, I'll keep Faith
away from Russell.
You come up with an excuse
for the dancing.
The ball will be finished,
and then we're done.
[motorcycle engines roaring]
We're fucked.
Well, that's the tightest box
I've been jammed into for years.
Iet's go find ourselves
some farm boys.
You two gorgeous men
couldn't tell me
where I could find
Ralph and Vince, could you?
I think they're in there.