What is happened?
-But your hand?
Mind your own business.
Erito will take care of it.
Attention, you lot!
You're in luck, Sir, we've got pretty much
everything in stock right now.
Hands, feet, good strong knees,
sturdy thighs.
Stand still for the General!
We found this one up North
of the Nordessa Forest.
Good climate up there,
so he ain't got no rot on him.
What d'you need?
-A hand.
-Who for?
-Hal Tara.
-Oh well, take a look at this one, then.
Pure oak that is, last a lifetime.
Ready for painting, Haven't seen hands
good as that in a long while.
l'll take it.
The whole world wounds with you,
my chidren.
The unthinkable has happened,
and a great disaster has overtaken us.
Lie still, will you?
We have searched the entire city.
We fear Sahro slipped away
before we closed the city gates.
Lie still, l tell you!
With all my love l suffer with you,
my children.
l too am sick with grief
at losing my beloved brother
but Hebalon awaits its new Kharo, Hal.
-No, no!
-Just shut up!
No, no.
Off with it!
Lie still, l tell you! There. Done.
-Your hand's on its way, Sir.