We'll never get him on our side.
We won't only get him on our side, Nezo.
We'll get him to do our dirty work.
Father, come and watch!
Hal is being painted.
Why are you being painted, Hal?
Don't you want to be gold anymore?
lt's so that the Zeriths can't recognise me.
Why mustn't the Zeriths recognise you?
lsn't it passed your bedtime?
Dad, Hal's scared of Sahro and the Zeriths.
l'm not scared.
Erito and Eike, isn't it passed
your children's bedtime?
Yes, it is.
Mommy, l can't find my sleep-bird.
lt's right here.
Maybe l should have chosen
another piece of wood.
Something darker, smoother...
She's perfect, Erito.
She's done.
l couldn't wish for a more wonderful child.
But her hands...
Are her fingers too delicate?
Should l have...?
Don't worry yourself.
Leave her be.
Who will stand by you,
Eike, when your time comes?
l have been through this before, my love.
Take good care of Xath and Daya!
You speak as though
you will never come back again.
Promise me
that you won't find any Zeriths.
l have to go. Orders are orders.
l wish you were staying here.
Mommy, where is it?
l can't sleep if l don't have my bird.
lt's right here.
The little fellow's bird.