SuperBabies: Baby Geniuses 2

Kahuna's archenemy, Captain Kane,
had dreams of controlling the world.

And he did all kinds
of bad things.

- My dear Petrov.
- Captain Kane.

Always a pleasure to see you.
- To our work.
- To our work.

It's wonderful what you do here,
saving orphaned children.

I have a soft spot
for the gentle laughter of babies.

Kane knew if he could control
children, he could control the world.

He captured children trying
to escape through the Berlin Wall...

...and sent them to his secret
camps all over East Germany.

Capturing orphaned children?
If you think the Kahuna was
about to let Kane get away with that...

...think again.
If there were ever children who
needed his help, these were them.

I'm scared, Peter.
It's okay, Greta.
We'll find a way out of this.

That could've hurt someone.
