- Hi, guys.
- I don't know why you're opposed.
This will put Bobbins' World
on the map.
Allowing a huge satellite
network access to this facility...
...and using kids
as marketing subjects...
...it's everything we stand against.
- It's about marketing.
Bobbins' World will be
the McDonald's of daycare.
Great. We'll be known as McBaby.
Honey, this is new territory for you...
...maybe you should talk
to Dan first.
He's out of the country working
Besides, I'm running
Bobbins' World now. Okay?
I don't need to run to big brother Dan,
the baby guru, for help.
Archie's father could give him
a bit more attention sometimes.
Who needs that junk? Better he learn
up-front that it's a cold, cruel world...
...and you gotta tough it out on your
own. Heck, I don't need nobody.
Ever consider sensitivity training?
I am gonna... Okay, I am
gonna turn Bobbins' World...
...into the biggest chain
of daycare centers in the world.
Man, I'm hungry. Yo, Mrs. B,
girl needs a snack!
For the last time, Rosita, the adults
don't understand our language.
To attract their attention,
one must speak...
...in the only baby language
they seem to comprehend.
Which is?
Oh, yeah. Crying.
Here we go.
I need to ask you a question
about the big-screen monitor.
Honey the kids are hungry.
Michelle, bring some bottles.
Sharon, can you get some bottles
here? Thank goodness.
Works every time.