Mr. Bobbins?
- I'm his real brother.
- Doesn't matter.
Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.
This has been a dream of mine
for quite a while now and...
It's coming together now. I can finally
see your plan in all its magnificence...
As I've told you
many times before...
...I will win,
even if it takes forever.
That's Captain Kane,
from Berlin.
Sweetie, what're you doing in here?
Looking out at all the exciting things?
You should get
with the other kids. Yeah.
Ladies and gentlemen,
if I may have your attention...
Oh, my gosh, guys.
Biscane. I think he's Kane!
Sometimes, Archie, I think all you
do is blurt out the first thing...
...that pops into your mind.
- I'm not a brain baby.
I'm a baby of action.
All right, maybe it's not him.
Anyway, Biscane, I don't like him.
What are we gonna do
about this Biscane?
- No fear, Finkie's here.
- Quentin Finkleman...
...you're just the guy I'm looking for.
- Okay then, what's our plan this time?
We're not supposed to be here.
I'm getting sick to my stomach.
Okay, Finkleman, you're
the computer geek. Now what?
- I prefer the term "computer artisan."
- Whatever.
All right, all right.
Type in "Bill Biscane."
Ignore the official sites
for Biscane Broadcasting...
...or anything like that.
There's usually some rogue ones.
You know, anti-corporate sites.
- What's wrong with you, Finkleman?
- I feel faint.