Good luck, Morgan.
Hi, there. I'm Eric Rowley,
our exercise physiologist.
the official weigh-in...
We'll go through
the cardiovascular assessment,
and then I'll be able
to calculate
how much oxygen
your muscles can utilize,
and that's also an indicator
of what type of condition your
cardiovascular system is in.
All right, good work.
Im gonna use
these skinfold calipers
to estimate
your body density.
You're 11% body fat.
that's great.
We're gonna
measure your flexibility
of your hamstrings, your hips,
and your lower back.
Good, good.
very nice.
38 centimeters
was your best.
There's a basic
old-school test
for muscular strength
and endurance.
36. Good job.
You're above average
above average fitness
for your age group,
definitely, I'd say
you're at a good spot right now.
More than 60% of Americans
get no form of exercise,
so for the next 30 days,
neither will I.
But I'll still have to walk.
How much does the average
American walk a day?
We have these pedometers
that we put on people,
step counters.
You could very roughly
estimate at about 2,000 steps,
because 2,000
would make a mile.
And we know that people
that work in office settings,
who drive a car
to and from work,
who take an elevator
up to that office,
may take as little
as 2,500 or 3,000 steps
in their entire day.
If you wanted to feel physically
like a lot of Americans do,
then you'd limit yourself
to about 5,000 steps a day.
Us New Yorkers --
we walk everywhere.
We walk to work,
to the park, to the store.
Most of us don't even own cars.
The average New Yorker will walk
four to five miles a day --
a day!
That's a lot of walking.
Ill also have the blessing
of being close to a food source
almost everywhere I go.
I walk past three golden arches
just on my way to the office --
three in just over a mile.
There are more Mickey D's
in Manhattan
than anywhere else in the world.
This tiny little island
is less than 13 miles long