You've heard
about all these people
who are suing
these fast-food companies.
Yes, I've heard of them.
I think it's ridiculous,
but it's the American
way to sue for everything.
Id throw the lawsuit out
if I was a judge.
And like I was saying,
if these fast-food places
can put their signs up,
if I can walk by them
and just totally ignore them
and say, "I'm not hungry.
I don't need this,"
they can do it, too.
We don't have to go there.
We don't have to shop with them.
we can easily go in McDonald's
and grab a salad,
but we choose not to.
Now, if the McDonald's
refused them service,
they'd be in court again saying,
"we were refused service."
so you can't win if you try
in this world.
I think there's a lot of focus
on the fast-food companies
because they are mentioned more
than virtually
all the other causes
in most of the articles
and books and studies
about why it's
a sudden epidemic.
Again, it can't be
the neighborhood restaurant.
We've had
neighborhood restaurants
for hundreds of years.
It can't be the foods
we eat at home.
We've been eating at home
for hundreds of years.
Something is very different.
I think the figure is we eat out
something like 40% of our meals.
John Banzhaf
is currently spearheading
the attacks
against the food industry,
advising many of the lawyers
who are currently
going through the process.
People say he's crazy,
but that's what
they used to say about him
when he first sued
the tobacco companies...
until he won.
I think in terms
of responsibility,
it's fair to point
the big gun at McDonald's.
McDonalds is
one of the biggest
but, more importantly,
it is the one which,
far more than all the others,
lures in young children.
They have the playgrounds,
the closed, indoor playgrounds.
Many places,
there are no other playgrounds.
You've got to
take your kid there.
So even at 2 and 3 and 4,
those kids are being
lured into there.
McDonalds is very heavy
on birthday parties.
They, of course,
pioneered the happy meals,
now the mighty kids' meals also