Super Size Me

You all right?
I believe we live
in a toxic-food

and physical-inactivity

That is,
we live in an environment

that almost guarantees
that we become sick.

Not 100% of people become sick,
but the numbers of people who do

are growing
and growing and growing.

I don't believe that "toxic"
is too strong a word, either,

because an epidemic of obesity
where 60% of the population
is suffering

and record numbers
of children are having this

is a crisis by any standard.
The toxic environment
is constant access

to cheap, fat-laden foods.
It's gas stations that sell
more candy and sodas than gas.

It's a nation where there
are more than 3 million

soda vending machines.
That's one
for every 97 Americans.

It's a world where people depend
completely on their cars

for transportation
and where walking
has become such a chore

that we rely on machines
to do it for us.

My stomach
feels horrible this morning.

It doesn't feel good at all.
There we go.
I’m getting this really weird
feeling right in my midsection,

basically in my penis right now,
and it's just like this --

It's really freaky.
That is very odd.
It could be
from the caffeine,

but I couldn't really
pinpoint that 100%.

I have a delivery for Mr. Morgan.
I made it
over the three-day hump.

You know
how when you quit smoking --

I don't know how many of you
out there smoke cigarettes,

but you should stop.
I quit smoking.
and there's the three-day hump.

Three-day --
it's the three-day hump

when you quit
smoking cigarettes.
