Super Size Me

One of the most disturbing
things to me

is that in the last
20 to 25 years,

we've actually seen a doubling
of overweight and obese
children and adolescents.

And this weight gain
has been linked

to countless health problems
later in life, such as...

In fact,
if current trends continue

one out of every three children
born in the year 2000

will develop diabetes
in their lifetime.

At least 17 million Americans
now have type 2 diabetes,

about one
out of every 20 people.

If the diabetes starts
before the age of 15,

you lose somewhere between
17 and 27 years of life-span.

according to the new research,
the direct medical costs
associated with diabetes

have doubled.
The direct medical costs have
doubled in the past five years,

from $44 billion in 1997
to $92 billion in 2002.

Somewhere in the neighborhood of
about 20% of the obese children

have elevated abnormal
liver function tests,

and we have now started a study
where we're
biopsying these children

to see what their livers
actually look like

under the microscope,
and half of them have evidence
of scarring of the liver,

fibrosis of the liver,
the early stages of cirrhosis.

So, when these children
end up being adults,

they're going to end up --
if they don't change their
eating and exercise habits,
