My big thing was never smoking.
It was never drinking.
it wasn't doing drugs.
My big vice was food,
and before I knew it,
I wound up weighing 425 pounds.
I brought in
a present for you --
my old pants
that are now made famous
in all the subway commercials.
You're welcome.
This is
my daughter, Victoria.
She's an eighth-grade
honor student,
and you're a real
inspiration to the kids.
I really
appreciate that.
That's one
of the greatest --
I started
putting my weight on
as you guys know,
about third or fourth grade.
She was real tiny
when she was littler,
and it's been in our family.
In fact,
I had a great-grandfather
that died
and was buried in a piano box
years and years ago,
so it's a history.
And she's been trying
to maintain her weight.
It's tough.
it's always a challenge.
I know as a kid,
it's awfully hard these days
and kids
are not always kind.
No, not at all.
And I know that firsthand.
And the problem is,
the world's not gonna change
You have to change.
I guess it's kind of cool
to know somebody
or be able
to listen to somebody
talk about actually
being where I am right now,
and it's kind of hard
because I can't afford
to go there every single day
and buy a sandwich
two times a day,
and that's
what he's talking about,
like that's
the only solution.
That's what he said
worked the best,
but I can't do that.
And I've tried other ways,
and it's kind of hurt my body
from doing other ways
that I've tried to do.
And it's kind of hard
to, like, look at someone
who says, "hey, I've done it.
You can do it."
but it's not that easy.
Id been sick as a kid.
I grew up eating
a lot of ice cream,
more than you can believe.
We had an ice-cream-cone-shape
d swimming pool in our backyard.
We had a commercial freezer with
not only all 31 flavors in it,
but all experimental flavors
that were under development.