Super Size Me

that it had contributed
to the death

of his brother-in-law, partner,
and, in many ways, best friend.

No way.
Ben Cohen,
the Ben of "Ben and Jerry's",

a couple years ago,
had a quintuple bypass procedure

at the age of 49.
My uncle,
Burt Baskin of Baskin-Robbins,

dies at the age of 51
of a heart attack.

My father, Irv Robbins, the
other founder of the company,

ended up
with very serious diabetes.

You can't deny these links.
You just can't.
Yeah, could I get
the two-cheeseburger meal?

Okay, super sized.
Second time.
Thank you, sir.
Thanks, man.
After five days
on the McDonald's diet,

what I did was I ran three days'
worth of food analysis.

the needs for you to maintain
weight at the 185

that you were at
when you came in -- 186 pounds

was approximately
2,500 calories.

Right now you're getting
almost 5,000 calories a day,

the average being 4,986.
I would love for you
to take a multivitamin.

McDonald’s doesn't sell

here's my new advice,

is just kind of
minimize the meals.

A substitute for the hot fudge
sundae would be the yogurt.

That is true,
if you get the snack size --

five ounces.
If you get the regular size
without granola,

it contains nearly as many
calories as a strawberry sundae.

With granola,
it has more calories

than the hot fudge
or caramel sundae.

And if that doesn't make you
think twice about the parfaits,

then how about this?
There's a big,
nappy hair in it!

That's disgusting.
I’m gonna show you
how we do it.

You go like this.
We go...

look, it's long, too!
did you see that!

Oh, that's so gross!
Only the finest at McDonald's.
Here we are at 190.
192, 193, 194.

We have to stop everything.
I don't believe it.

195 pounds.
It can't be.
We have to redo this.

That's zero.
