Super Size Me

I tell you.
I haven't smelled bad yet.

Yeah, you have.
No, I haven't.
You just don't smell
how bad you smell.

Look at that fish filet.
Look at this thing.
Oh, God,
that looks nasty, man.

Isn't that horrible?
Obviously, that's been
sitting around all day.

That, the filet-o-fish.
How can I help you?

Can I get the double quarter
pounder with cheese value meal?

- Okay, thank you.
- $4.86.

I don't feel good today.
Not that I feel sick,
but I just feel
really depressed,

you know, for no reason.
I mean, things are going great.

I’ve had a good day.
I just feel really...
It's not real hard
eating this food all the time,

just because it tastes good,
it makes you feel good.

I really noticed I'll eat some,
and just a little while later,
I'll be hungry again,

and I'll want more --
more, more, more.

I’m pretty bored
with their menu.

It only took me nine days.
But it's pretty good otherwise.
Nine days.
How many?
How many's
the question.

We always ask how many,
and he holds up
how many fingers.

That's it.
It's always the "how many"?

It's just one for now.
As soon as I got my first car,
this is the first place
I came to.

I bought three Big Macs,
ate them out there.

I enjoyed them so much,
I came back about 5:00 at night,
bought three more,

ate them out there,
came back around 11:00
before they closed,

and ate three more,
so the first day I came here,
I ate nine Big Macs,

and it was like I couldn't get
enough hamburger at that time,

and Big Macs are so good,
so I ate 265
in the first month.
