Super Size Me

Oh, yes, I would.
Do a lot of people
super-size it?

Say you asked five people.
How many of those five do it?

I get mostly all of them.

Mostly all of them?
So you're batting about 100%?

I guess.
See that?
She's that good.

Deborah’s that good.
First meal inside the restaurant
that I went in to get,

and they asked me
to super-size it.

We're gonna keep a little tabs,
see how many times they ask me
to super-size it here in Texas,

'cause Texas, out of the top 1
5 fattest cities in America,

Texas has five.
Here we are -- Houston, Texas,
fattest city in America,

getting my first breakfast.
Hi, can I help you, sir?
When it comes
to the topic of obesity,

many people are quick
to point the finger

at various foods
and food companies,

but the grocery manufacturers
of America,

a Washington, D.C.-based
lobby group,

whose mission
is to advance the interests

of the food, beverage,
and consumer products industry,

are quick
to shift the focus away

from the companies
they represent

and to remind everyone
that there's more at work here

than just eating poorly.
We believe
very strongly in our industry,

and in other industries,
I think you'll find

there's a growing consensus
that the solution
lies in good education.

We have to get good information
to parents

so that they can
teach their children

better exercise
and nutrition habits

and so they can lead
the healthy lifestyles.

We don't teach physical
education in schools anymore.

In the U.S., only one state
requires mandatory physical
education for grades k-12.

It's also one of the fattest -- Illinois.
You got a heart rate?
Phil Lawler
is the phys ed teacher

at Madison junior high school,
home of the soaring war hawks,

the snack-ridden school lunches
we saw earlier,

and one of the most

physical education programs
in the country.

Supported mostly by fundraising
and parent involvement,
