Picked up a footprint in the back seat.
A size and a half bigger than Speck's.
Wounds on Speck's throat indicate
he was strangled from behind.
I think our guy was waiting
for him in the back seat...
...sprung this on him
once the car was moving.
Lab picked up talcum traces
along the edges...
...consistent with powdered gloves.
So he gets this dropped in his lap...
...it spooks him,
car ends up in the ravine.
That car was pushed
to the state line.
The depth of the tire tracks...
...footprints near the embankment.
That car wasn't going
more than 3 miles an hour...
...and it stopped literally
on the state line.
Guy must have used GPS.
Why would he push it
to the state line?
Same reason he did everything else,
to get the FBI's undivided attention.
There's an association here.
You have a circle...
...and a lidless eye that's always open.
Or making sure that we're seeing.
It's just a feeling.
He was a normal guy.
You know, kind of quiet.
He liked to read fishing magazines,
and he wasn't much of a tipper.
- Is that a lousy thing to say?
- No, it's fine.
Could you tell us
about the other man?
Like I said,
I never really saw him.
Harold came up complaining
about the guy...
...but by the time I turned
around, he was gone.
- Can you desc...?
- Desc-
- Can you describe him, ma'am?
- Oh, sure.
You could tell he wasn't
from around here.
Did you see what he was driving?
You know, now that you mention it...
...there's a Torino out in the parking
lot with a real crappy paint job.
It's been here since last night.
We need a protocol
for interviewing witnesses.
Fine. I'll handle it.
Always in control.
Tell you something, Tom...
...I want my life back,
so I want this over quick.
So, what happened?