Sergeant, copy that.
Possible stolen vehicle.
We are checking NCIC
for warrants.
Good afternoon.
Afternoon, officer.
See your driver's license, sir?
Of course.
Is there a problem?
- Can I see your registration, please?
- Sure.
You mind stepping out
of the car, please?
I'm carrying something that could
be construed as a weapon.
I'd like to hand it over so you won't
think I'm trying to conceal anything.
What kind of weapon, sir?
A hunting knife,
right here on my hip.
On my way to the woods.
My gear's in the trunk.
Would you like me to hand it to you?
I don't know what the procedure is.
Take the weapon off your hip, place it
on the ground, kick it towards me.
Happy to.
What exactly were you
planning on hunting?
A 50-foot shark.
- I used to be in law enforcement too.
- Is that right?
FBI. Of course, that was
some years ago now.
Psy ops, strictly classified.